Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GPS or GOS - Which?

You've heard about a GPS. How about a GOS?

The initials stand for a diagnosis - Give Opinion Syndrome.

You won't find GOS in a medical manual, but you probably know people with this condition. And, like me, they may not be aware of the symptoms. Fortunately, I diagnosed myself after reading an article about a lady who had the overwhelming desire to stick her nose into everybody else's business. She always wanted to take control and tell everybody what they should and should not be doing.

1898 steam tug, "Mathilda" in dry dock along the Hudson River
So I visited the Great Physician (talked to God in prayer). He prescribed a heavy dose of Proberbs, especially daily reading of Proverbs 16:23, "A wise man's heart guides his mouth..." (NIV).

Last week I followed a pic-up truck pulling a small boat. The rudder spun constantly.

"Why didn't that guy disconnect something or tie that up?" I asked myself. "All that needless spinning will wear that rudder out."

That's what happens when we "run off at the mouth." We get stressed, cause trouble, and aren't a blessing to others.

I have to go take my "medicine." Do you know anyone that might have GOS. Share this. It might save a relationship.

Lifeline: The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts... James 3:5 (NIV)