Saturday, December 17, 2011

Somebody Stole Baby Jesus

Nativity scene with baby Jesus
A relative had this manger scene in her yard
 and somebody stole baby Jesus.
 Now that's taking Christ out of Christmas!
But then, anyone who would do such a thing
 must have needed Him,
 a relationship with the Savior, not a symbol.

Nativity scene without baby Jesus
Those of us who truly know Christ and obey Him try to 
"do to others as we would have them do to us."
 By obeying God's Word,
we celebrate Christmas all year long.
We don't need a manger to show the true meaning of Christmas - living a life pleasing to God.

Prayer: Lord, help whoever did this to find the real Jesus and return baby Jesus.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's Important to You at Christmas?

A pastor told us, “Keep the main thing the main thing.”

Isn’t that good to remember as we celebrate Christmas? Here are some of my main things:

1. It’s all about Him – not me, parties or presents.
2. It’s the thought that counts, more than the contents.
3. If this was my last Christmas, how would I want to celebrate?

Prayer: Lord, when I get stressed about not getting everything done, or about circumstances I can’t control, help me remember it’s Your birthday, not mine.

What do you do to keep Christ in your Christmas?