Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Left Behind

About 6 weeks ago, I started rereading the Left Behind series (authors Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins). Even though I knew the end (you know too if you’ve read Revelations) and had read many from the 12 in the Left Behind series, I started reading them again….just finished Soul Harvest (4thLeft Behind, Tribulation Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest). Tomorrow I pick up Apollyon from my library and the next three I purchased cheaply from a second hand store.


Here was the surprise. Even though I knew this “story” - actually much of the same information is prophesied in Revelation (the Bible), but written as a “fiction” series - reading this series has been much like today’s news. Big topics were, Obama Care
(ie. World Health Organization in book series) and our recent economic crashes (fall of world's economic system and set up of world currency) as well as severe weather (part of the world will be destroyed during the tribulation period).
Believe me, the stage has been set and it has been shown much clearer to me ten years after some of these books were published just how much closer we have moved to the coming of our Lord and Savior (the Rapture).

For this reason, as well as to be able to talk to others about the Lord, I encourage all of you to read the Left Behind series. And there is a series for kids too. Even if you want to skip the first one (because you saw the movie which is similar, but not the same as the book), the author will review and Tribulation Force is full of action.

Get started reading soon and let me know what you think.

 Lifeline: Those who have accepted Christ will NOT be left behind to endure the 7 year tribulation period. Are you ready?
1.  Have you read the Left Behind series? How many? the kids series?
2.  When did you read them?
3.  Will you at least reread one in the series?
4.  Please comment on your impression from reading or rereading these books.




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