Saturday, December 17, 2011

Somebody Stole Baby Jesus

Nativity scene with baby Jesus
A relative had this manger scene in her yard
 and somebody stole baby Jesus.
 Now that's taking Christ out of Christmas!
But then, anyone who would do such a thing
 must have needed Him,
 a relationship with the Savior, not a symbol.

Nativity scene without baby Jesus
Those of us who truly know Christ and obey Him try to 
"do to others as we would have them do to us."
 By obeying God's Word,
we celebrate Christmas all year long.
We don't need a manger to show the true meaning of Christmas - living a life pleasing to God.

Prayer: Lord, help whoever did this to find the real Jesus and return baby Jesus.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's Important to You at Christmas?

A pastor told us, “Keep the main thing the main thing.”

Isn’t that good to remember as we celebrate Christmas? Here are some of my main things:

1. It’s all about Him – not me, parties or presents.
2. It’s the thought that counts, more than the contents.
3. If this was my last Christmas, how would I want to celebrate?

Prayer: Lord, when I get stressed about not getting everything done, or about circumstances I can’t control, help me remember it’s Your birthday, not mine.

What do you do to keep Christ in your Christmas?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

3 Things to Remember at Thanksgiving

The following three quotes were written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio. To celebrate growing older she wrote 45 lessons life taught her. I liked these three the best. Happy Thanksgiving.

1. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never

2. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and
parents will. Stay in touch.

3. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of Fall

I love summer, not winter. The first day of fall means winter is around the corner. Which season do you like best?

Valley Forge Visitor's Center
No matter what, none of us can change the times or seasons, whether the weather, or life. So here's a nice memory of Fall at Valley Forge.

Lifeline There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecc. 3:1 NIV

Monday, September 12, 2011


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beach Blessing

Cape May Lighthouse

Ocean cymbals crash on shore

Fingers dance on sand keyboards

Inspiring praises to the Lord

Angelic, faithful chords

   by Patty Gardocki, Aug. 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Leave a Little Space

 Tai Chi exercise is a good way for me to distress. On one of my CD’s David-Dorian Ross says, “Leave a little space.”  We could all reduce the stress in our lives if we added a space.

            Unfortunately, we find ourselves forced into situations (financially, workplace, family) where the page of our life is typed into the margins. There’s no white space left, no time for little annoyances, delays, or relaxation.

            Today at the gas station, a fellow unknowingly pulled up to pump his gas. In front of me another man jumped out of his driver’s seat, raised his arms (I won’t say what else) and shouted obscenities. As I pulled out of the lot, I saw the other gentleman thoroughly confused about why this guy was yelling. I knew. He didn’t have any room in his life or time to be kind.

            He’s probably like you and me when we’re so pressured the least little thing sets us off.      My tire was low so I checked the manual and discovered a cold and hot air pressure recommendation. Why? If I don’t fill the tire to the lower hot setting, and the thermometer rises, I could blow out the tire.

            It would be a good idea for folks to lower their personal pressure setting. Then maybe there wouldn’t be so many angry, short-tempered people blowing off steam at the least little thing. Do you agree? If so, comment on one way a person could “leave a little space.”

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GPS or GOS - Which?

You've heard about a GPS. How about a GOS?

The initials stand for a diagnosis - Give Opinion Syndrome.

You won't find GOS in a medical manual, but you probably know people with this condition. And, like me, they may not be aware of the symptoms. Fortunately, I diagnosed myself after reading an article about a lady who had the overwhelming desire to stick her nose into everybody else's business. She always wanted to take control and tell everybody what they should and should not be doing.

1898 steam tug, "Mathilda" in dry dock along the Hudson River
So I visited the Great Physician (talked to God in prayer). He prescribed a heavy dose of Proberbs, especially daily reading of Proverbs 16:23, "A wise man's heart guides his mouth..." (NIV).

Last week I followed a pic-up truck pulling a small boat. The rudder spun constantly.

"Why didn't that guy disconnect something or tie that up?" I asked myself. "All that needless spinning will wear that rudder out."

That's what happens when we "run off at the mouth." We get stressed, cause trouble, and aren't a blessing to others.

I have to go take my "medicine." Do you know anyone that might have GOS. Share this. It might save a relationship.

Lifeline: The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts... James 3:5 (NIV)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

If It Fits Take It

I searched desperately for the perfect white jacket to match my black dress - one with black trim. I couldn't find it, but stumbled upon a plain white jacket instead.
This will work okay. It fits great and is washable too.

But I really wanted black trim.

Disappointed I took the plain one home just in case. After thinking about it, I realized a washable white jacket with black trim couldn't withstand bleach. And it wouldn't match other outfits. So the plain one worked out great.

Things in life happen in the same manner. Our well-planned schedule (like mine recently) or dream house doesn't fit our values or life goals. That job or relationship we crave isn't happening. But we want it anyway.

Hopefully we realize before too late, that person wouldn't make a good spouse or that house was out of our price range. And the dream job comes with a schedule that doesn't allow us to be the parent our kids need.

Often, our well-planned life isn't God's choice. Now what? Do I accept or reject His will?

Lifeline: In acceptance lieth peace.  Elizabeth Eliot

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

God's Sheltering Presence

A little girl's murder and father's death have impacted me. Some of you may not have had a father you could respect, one who loved and supported you. That's what good dads do.

  Not having that example makes it hard to realize how much the Heavenly Father cares for and about each one of us. Psalm 103:13 reads, "As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;" (NIV).

  This huge tree at Morris Arboretum reminded me of the overwhelming presence of God. Nearby there was a cave. Our Heavenly Father is a refuge, a cave to hide in when the pressures of life seem more than we can bear. It is in the cool shade of his nurturing presence and shelter of his protection that we know His compassion. He's the best Dad anyone could ever have. Is He yours? If not, He wants to be today. Ask Him.

Lifeline: God has your picture on his screensaver
  John Ortberg, God is Closer than You Think

1.  What good thing did your dad do for you?

2.  Have you thanked Him?

3.  How has God shown you His care?             

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thank God for Spring

Sorry to have delayed writing, but I've been up North and bogged down with wintry weather even though it was April!

Thank God for a new season too. Aren't you glad for Spring? Here are some signs of the season.

  Lifeline: There's a season for everything..

                   (Ecclesiastes 3:1a)
What season do you like best? Why?

Monday, March 14, 2011

God-like Saving Time

The clock of life is wound but once, so make the most of each day. Right now a relative has been in ICU for 2 weeks, but none of us knows what day will be our last. God bless and keep all of you.

Lifeline - May today be a good and a Godly day. For what good is a good day if it's not a Godly one.  Dr. Cook

Sunday, February 20, 2011

God is good. God is great and we thank Him for the snow.

So why should a summer-lovin’ beach goer like me do that?
Because no two snowflakes are alike.

Shawnee Inn, Pocono Mountains

     Can you imagine how many different patterns that makes? I couldn’t as I stood staring out a window one snowy night. The next morning multitudes of fluffy flakes blanketed the ground as I trudged around taking pictures. God’s magnificence was overwhelming. What a Creator!

     Have you considered the treasures of the snow? (Job 38:22) That’s just one of them.

     Another is the whiteness. It represents God’s forgiveness. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow…(Psalm 51:7).

So before it goes, let’s treasure the snow.

Lifeline: God, the Master Creator, made snow so we would know His saving power

How about you? Do you like snow?

You can leave a comment below.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Be Nice When You Don't Feel Like It

1. Ask questions to understand the other person’s position
2. Help them
            Bang, slam, rattle-rattle-rattle. What the _____ are they doing out there?

It’s 8 AM in my, usually quiet in the morning, apartment building. Commotion shatters the silence – over 20 slams and bangs. I can’t believe people are so inconsiderate. This isn’t a barnyard with animals living in here (well, yes, maybe sometimes it seems that way).
            After an hour of the same I strolled out into the hallway (strolled only because I had been praying for the past hour). Then I questioned the maintenance man:
            Is there any reason all the doors are slamming this morning?

            He’s so nice. You don’t live in a single house, you know. Just wait 'til they start putting in the new elevator. Then it will be noisy.
            Really, now, I get it, but what’s with the loud slamming this morning?
            The workmen were here to fix your neighbor’s apartment.
            Do they have to slam 3 doors every time they come in and out?

            After a little demonstration from me about how loud it was, we both figured it out. The workmen don’t have a pass key for the outside door, so maintenance leaves it open while they carry in their stuff. That creates a breezeway and doors which normally close slowly, now slam, and rattle.
            Two days later another crew came. The same happened, except this time I went out to hold one of the doors for a young fellow heavily laden with a room-sized carpet.

            Yes, thank you Lord. So much easier to try to understand and be nice than yell at him and get myself upset. Maybe I’ll have to try that again sometime - figure out the other person’s dilemma and help instead of holler at them. This won’t come easy since I’m usually the yell now, ask questions later type of person.

            What do you think? Did this strategy ever work for you? Or not? Tell me about it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inside the Box

How lovely it looked with red satin rippled on the rim and white lace trim. Remember those heart shaped boxes of candy received or wished for in February? This one, though, hung on the wall – a remembrance from a sweetheart, but void of sweet treats.
            The inside is what is important whether it’s a box or a person. We see the outside; God peers inside. For out of the heart come the real issues of life.
            So what’s inside the heart? Love and acceptance or hatred and rejection? Peace or unrest? Let’s focus on having hearts right with God. Otherwise we’re like that cardboard box – a nice decoration, but unfulfilled.

Lifeline :  Above all else, guard your heart…..Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

1. Did you ever get one of those fancy heart shaped boxes?
2. When did you get it and who gave it to you?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lost then Found


            For months I searched for a misplaced gift. Now packing for a trip, I needed it. Where did I put that new camera card? Maybe I’m wrong. Was it the one gigabyte and I already used it?
            This internal dialogue continued until I quietly asked my granddaughter (they remember such things).  How many gigabytes was that card you and dad gave me at Christmas? Not one gigabyte, but two? Oh no, I lost it!
            In July I pulled out winter coats and picked pockets. I dumped drawers and turned totes inside out. Doomed by the stupidity that it got tossed with Christmas trash, I purchased another. Sometimes we have to admit carelessness. But how painful to accept someone had given a gift I never took out of the box.
            After Thanksgiving I carried Christmas decorations from storage. Imagine my surprise, when sandwiched inside the stocking bag was a two gigabyte card.
            Sadly, some folks celebrated Christmas this year in a similar way. They never found the best gift of all – salvation offered through God’s Son, Jesus Christ.  A Savior came to give eternal life in Heaven and life on earth worth living. Salvation is a gift meant to be opened and enjoyed.  
            And speaking of enjoyment, maybe you’ve been like me lately, ungrateful. Sometimes we willingly sacrifice in December, and turn self-centered in January.
            Guess I’ll rummage through a bag of holiday decorations before I store them and see if I can find any more surprises. Here's one written on a teddy bear's tag:  In you, O Lord, do I put my trust…let me never be put to shame or [have my hope in you] disappointed...Psm. 31:1(Amplified)

That’s a Lifeline worth holding on to all year.

1. Have you ever lost something when unwrapping presents? What was it and did you find it?
2. Tell me how someone encouraged you this month.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sunny in January

Thank God for a day that’s warm and sunny in January. Here in the Northeast we’re in our winter season. I’d like to delete all the cold, windy, dreary days from the calendar. Winter is like the trials we all go through. Wouldn’t you like to skip them too? Like today when I had to see the moving truck in my friend’s driveway. I hate saying good-bye.

            But calendars have winter months and our lives have times of trouble. Whether it’s a job loss or financial setback, a family crisis or sickness, sometimes we’re plunged into darkness. We feel alone, tired, distressed and looking for a way out of the mess. Could I please skip to another season, Lord? I’d love to be basking in the sunshine of good times instead of groping for a rope of hope.

            Then God slips in some summertime – an unexpected check or great job offer, an encouraging note or promise from God’s Word. We appreciate it more because of our need.
            I drove to the park to take advantage of the break between winter storms. Children were swinging and ducks squawking in melted pools of ice.  God tucked a sunny, forty degree day into January to remind us that …

Even in darkness [the winter seasons of life]
 light dawns for the upright,
for the gracious and compassionate
and righteous man. Psalm 112:4 (NIV)

What are your trying times? How about your "sunny" times?